M Fully automatic bean to cup coffee machine with colour TFT screen and hot chocolate making function. Two year guarantee by the world leader in coffee. They boast a similar footprint, are both manufactured in Europe (Poland), and have a similar set of features. This model manages to be both less expensive, while boasting some impressive upgrades.

Bean-to-cup machine with the De’Longhi patented automatic cappuccino system. At a touch of a button all your favorite drinks: espresso, coffee ,cappuccino, latte macchiato, caffelatte , milk or long coffee. Enjoy 3days Black Friday on idealo.
Italienischer Genuss zum Probieren: Delonghi Kaffeemaschinen mit Latte Crema System. Jetzt testen und bis am 15. April von der Geld-zurück-Garantie profitieren. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. From long coffee to latte, if you take good care of your coffee machine with regular cleaning and.

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M performs in the super-automatic coffee machine ranking. Go back to filtering menu Tell us how we. M - read user manual online or download in PDF format.
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